Friday, August 8, 2008
Empowerment...and what it means to me
Working on my empowerment website and niche marketing has been very exciting for me. I’m reading a lot of books to reinforce not only what I know but to expand my knowledge and affirmation that this is truly the direction to take.
In reading “Rich Woman – A guide to investing for women (because I hate being told what to do) it was an eye opening experience. As a woman, wife, mother and business owner – it’s not wrong for me to want more! I am not the only one in this position to juggling the challenges (worthwhile challenges that is because I have chosen this life). I do want to have it all and I truly can!
I am truly grateful for everything I’ve accomplished thus far and there is nothing wrong with wanting more…wanting continuous financial independence and richness in life. Now this does not mean that I don’t want my husband but if something should happen, what’s wrong with being prepared? Absolutely nothing.
Having divorced from my first husband (because he wanted me to be a ‘trophy wife, be barefoot and pregnant and stay-at-home’ which personally wasn’t what I had planned for myself – though there’s nothing wrong with that if that’s your personal choice) left me as a single mom. I wasn’t afraid nor found it intimidating at all. Why? Because it was a necessity and my choice. We all have choices! I wanted a better life not only for me but my children. I was the one that these little eyes looked up to and depended on. It’s amazing how the adrenaline just sets it when it’s something that has to be done.
How many of us have sat back and said “I can’t afford it?” Like Robert Kiyosaki has said throughout his book in “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is that we need to change our thinking and words. We need to remove “I can’t afford it” from our vocabulary because that means that we have given up and we’ll never try. We need to stop,think and say “How CAN I afford it?” I’ve truly adopted this thinking and appreciate the positive message I’m sending to my children and precedent that they’ll stop and think.
I totally disagree with a certain business coach and self-professed real estate ‘specialist’ (whom shall remain nameless because he’s local to me) and that his belief systems teach people just to “go out and buy that item no matter what it is, big or small because that will make you work harder to achieve your sales”. I mean WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ABOUT? Seriously, I have a vehicle that works, do I really need to go out and buy that BMW just for status so I can work harder to get myself out of debt? I don’t think so. This is the same person that thinks cold calling works. How many of you have signed up for the ‘do-not-call’, have call display; screen your calls and have your number blocked? Yeah, exactly, that’d be me too!
I digress….if you’re in debt already and worried about how you’re going to make your rent or mortgage payment or how you can afford your next grocery purchase, I would think that is necessity and motive enough.
So where I am going with this blog? Hmmm…..I’m saying that I strongly recommend the above two-mentioned books. Then when you’re done that, re-read and highlight because there will be something you missed. Then, as a woman I strongly encourage you to read: Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money. This book….this book I’m going to consider my bible in business and my life. Already I’ve stopped saying “Sorry”. Seriously, how many of us do that when we haven’t even done anything wrong? Read the book. That’s all I have to say. I’m buying that and Kim Kiyosaki’s “Rich Woman” book for all the wonderful women/friends in my life for Christmas. Yes, I feel that strongly about these books!
Then when you’re done that, read Don Campbell’s “Real Estate Investing In Canada” because this is local and gives Canadian information. He and his team have developed systems that work. Let other people’s experience be your guide. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to. Absolutely be skeptical. Absolutely be resourceful, educate yourself and ask questions.
Then, let’s work towards on how you’re going to achieve your goals. Write down your “why’s” and envision what your rewards are going to be. Then google images if it’s something like a car, boat, house, apartment building, etc and print it off so you can see them every day. Leave yourself ‘stickys’ of positive messages on your mirror, at your front door, fridge, wherever you’re going to see it. Go on a debt and credit card diet. Envision it and achieve it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Summer Fun...
Well we’ve finally (after five years of wanting to) have our deck done! It’s fantastic to have that additional “living space”. Our wonderful friend and deck designer Kevin put on all the final touches and we were able to finally enjoy it!
It wraps around our hot tub and extends from the family room walkout. We spared no expense on getting a fabulous gazebo with three panels (one plastic to help block the wind, screen to eliminate bugs, etc & the privacy closure). It’s so beautiful to sit out there on the summer nights and relax. The glow of the candles and it’s so peaceful and relaxing after a long day or week of work.
It certainly makes all that saving worthwhile. We were talking about selling next year but now, who knows? Perhaps this can just be “the house” where all the memories are made and children grow up here and then we look for our “house to retire in” later on. Ahhh…not to jump ahead but hopefully that’d be a nice plan!
So for now, we’ll have some summer fun and even more importantly, more quality family time
Of course, I’m still available and working but it’s nice to have something to look forward to at the end of the day.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Well hello world!
Yes, here I am submitting my personal “blog” and joining the ranks of many.
I’m a real estate professional but want to do so much more. I’m full of so many ideas and being a ‘wife’ (common-law that is, not of the institutional kind), mother, ‘maid’, ‘nurse’ (someone has to kiss those boo-boo’s) and full time professional, well, let’s say I wear many hats. As a woman, who doesn’t?
How many times have you gone to an auto mechanic and the simple “oil” change for $50.00 ends up being $1000.00 because some “do-hickey” or Philange (as Phoebe from friends would say when she’s making up a name) didn’t work? How the heck do we know? We have to trust someone because we rely on our vehicle to continue to be “superwoman” and it’s a matter of safety.
Also, what’s the last investment you’ve made? Outside of that gorgeous pair of shoes, what have you done to secure your future or your “now” lifestyle? Hmmm..yes. This is not a “bra burning” exercise but as women, we’ve come a long way! We’re more equal than the times of our great-grandmothers or grandmothers but there’s still room for improvement! Love her or hate her, doesn’t matter but look at the accomplishments of Hilary Clinton! Not about the person but just the fact that there’s a women running! Do you think anyone would have imagined that back in the 40′s? I’m just so proud that someone is setting the precedent where those before trying to set the way in any aspect of equality (likeRosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, etc).
Anyway, that’s the purpose of my blog. It’s intention is to be an empowering source to encourage and unite women and/or women-friendly organization’s or people. Let’s continue to network and get the ball rolling. It’s not just about women in business but the whole circle of those we surround ourselves in. Let me facilitate or be the mediator to find common ground. Financial advisors, mortgage brokers, lawyer, mechanics, contractors, hvac, etc that are ‘women’ friendly. Don’t talk “down” to us or “take us”. You’ll get our business and more as we’ll build a referral network.
That’s how I do my real estate business. Live and work by referrals. Word of mouth spreads quicker. Do a good job the first time! Empowering Women!
It’s not just buildings, it’s building relationships! So, here’s to the “official” day one of something I’ve been working on for a long time. I surround myself by strong, independent, positive people. Let’s see how this grows!
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