As I've been agonizing what my final post for 2010 would be (why, I have no clue why it would be "stressful" but did want my final thought to be "perfect"). There's no such thing as a "perfect" blog post as one is noting his/her own thoughts so unless posting something offensive, really there are no mistakes. However, I should warn you that this is not my usually light-hearted, positive post and going to be extremely blunt and to the point. One may call it an intervention if you will. The "why" is that it's time to implement change and going to be very direct and time for self exploration.
By now, everyone is posting well wishes and happiness. I want to repeat that I usually post about being positive, inspirational and being motivated. The repeated warning is that the intent is not to offend or for anyone to think "who the heck does she think she is". The words expressed here apply to all of us. For a moment, let's think about the glass being "half full" instead of looking at the glass "half empty".
Are you saying "thank God 2010" is over? Why? Weren't you just twelve months ago saying "thank God 2009" is over and 2010 is going to be an amazing year? Why? Let's analyze that for a second. Doesn't every year bring opportunity for renewal and growth? What is it about the fireworks at midnight the 31st of December that makes a person think "next year is going to be better?".
In the words of my eldest son when I was facing a personal milestone: "what's different about today than're still you". Very profound for a fourteen year old don't you think? A great way of putting things into perspective and allowed me to think he's right and it IS about mindset. It's about the choices I make, what I think, what I do...not about the actual calendar or's how that time is spent.
In writing this blog, I'm also reminded of one of my best friends that actually did have "awful year" (because of deaths of people very close to him). Annually, he sends a letter to friends and family. In his newsletter he said he had considered giving it up. However, he dug deep and as much as his year didn't end the greatest, he was able to recollect other events throughout the year that were positive. It was a very eloquent letter and probably one of the best he's ever written. Gratitude shone through and showed that despite crises him and his family had endured, there were still positive things that made life worth living. As a friend, very grateful he was able to do it. This was a breakthrough for him and a very admirable quality in a person. No one said doing this would ever easy but with perseverance there's gratitude.
So, what's your "a-ha" moment? We all have to learn our "why". Underlying we all have a purpose, personal motivator and a why. Why do we wake up every morning and do the same mundane things? Are we happy? I mean are we truly happy or just putting on a brave face? Instead of looking at yourself five, ten years or so from now...where do you see yourself to be next year, at midnight on the 31st of December? If you see yourself repeating "Thank God 2011 is over" then really, things really need to change NOW and old habits need to be broken.
We all deserve every happiness afforded to us and the only people capable of truly offering this to within ourselves. When we look in the mirror, we all must love the reflection looking back because as we have self-love and have gratitude, only then can we truly shine and pass this onto others. Love yourself first. This is not being an egomaniac. Self-appreciation, exude confidence will radiate from you and you'll automatically attract positive people. People will notice the difference in you. Some may judge and criticize but why let them take that power and your happiness away that you're entitled to? It's your power to have.
I will finish the last post of 2010 on this note: my desire for you, if this post has touched you in any way, that you'll say the following words instead, on the 31st of December at midnight:
"What an amazing 2011 and can't wait for 2012 to be another amazingly great year".