Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Sexting" & What You Need To Know

"Sexting" & What You Need To Know

The title has the link to the story about a teen committing suicide from a "sexting" incident. Until today, I have to admit that I never heard of this before. WOW! What the heck is going on and boy, how the world has evolved! I don't know about you but I remember growing up and as teenagers, there was peer pressure sure, but I can't imagine what our teens and youth are going through in this day and age. Most especially with the viral videos and way technology has come, who knew it'd take on the way it has. Incredible.

My heart goes out to this mother whom lost her only child so unnecessarily. She lost her beautiful daughter because she (the daughter) had poor judgement. The teenage girl sent a nude photo of herself to a boyfriend. They broke up and of course, the boy chose bad judgement and shared the photo with kids from school. She was called horrible names and labelled her. Just so sad. The girl missed school and her heart was broken and terribly embarrassed. In the end, she hung herself in her room.

Apparently this is an epidemic....this "sexting".

WHY, WHY, WHY Girls? Not only can you ruin your reputation, did you know you could also be arrested for distributing child pornography?

Don't give anyone the power to call you names. Everyone has their own insecurities and because they don't feel good about who they are so they want to put down others.

Here are some sexting statistics*:

The percent of teenagers who have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or video of themselves:
20% of teenagers overall
22% of teen girls
18% of teen boys
11% of young teen girls ages 13-16
The percent of teenagers sending or posting sexually suggestive messages:
39% of all teenagers
37% of teen girls
40% of teen boys
15 Percent of teenagers who have sent or posted nude or seminude images of themselves say they have done so to someone they only knew online.
48 Percent of teenagers say they have received such messages
71 Percent of teen girls and 67% of teen guys who have sent or posted sexually suggestive content say they have sent or posted this content to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
21 Percent of teenage girls and 39% of teen boys say they have sent such content to someone they wanted to date or hook up with.
44 Percent of both teen girls and teen boys say it is common for sexually suggestive text messages to get shared with people other than the intended recipient.
36 Percent of teen girls and 39 % of teen boys say it is common for nude or semi-nude photos to get shared with people other than the intended recipient.
51 Percent of teen girls say pressure from a guy is a reason girls send sexy messages or images; only 18 % of teen boys cited pressure from female counterparts as a reason.
66 Percent of teen girls and 60% of teen boys say they did so to be “fun or flirtatious”; their most common reason for sending sexy content.
52 Percent of teenage girls used sexting as a “sexy present” for their boyfriend.
44 Percent of both teen girls and teen boys say they sent sexually suggestive messages or images in response to such content they received.
40 Percent of teenage girls said they sent sexually suggestive messages or images as “a joke.”
34 Percent of teen girls say they sent or posted sexually suggestive content to “feel sexy.”
12 Percent of teen girls felt “pressured” to send sexually suggestive messages or images.
For Canadian content about sexting, click here.
So, just thought I'd pass the info on in case you were like me and hadn't heard. Just another thing we can try to educate our children on and hope that if they ever do, they can stand tall and just "own it" so hopefully the embarrassment will go away quickly.

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****
*US Stats

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow! Interesting Story - Aren't we in the year 2009?

Wow! Interesting Story - Aren't we in the year 2009?

Wedding dress protest highlights immigration problem (click on my title above if you want to read the full story)

Synopsis: Canadian woman had a relationship with a man from Guinea for three years, marries him in Canada and he leaves her after 4 weeks marriage. She says her "marriage just fell apart" and feels it's marriage fraud. AND (this is the kicker), she's still on the hook for three years for him financially as his immigration sponsor.

The immigration contract Towell signed stipulates she's on the hook
financially for three years if Soumah applies for social assistance, whether or
not they're still married.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced last month that he's working on a plan to crack down on immigration fraud.

Well, at first I thought, how could she know? It says she had a relationship with him for three years (doesn't say whether correspondence or if she was physically with him there). I can understand she probably feels offended and hurt. What I'm shocked about is that Canada doesn't have parameters in place for something like that. So now this woman is on the hook AND it would appear he abused the system and using her. Why should she be on the hook? There are so many things unknown and can't make anything conclusive from that article anyway but! That's totally backwards in this day and age, in my opinion.

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Are Women Too Independent?

Are Women Too Independent?

  • Are Independent Women Too Strong for today's Man?
  • Can strong women be too independent?
  • Should married women have their own bank accounts or does that mean they aren't committed to the marriage?
  • Are strong women.... married or single... TOO strong for today's man?
  • Should finances even play a part in relationships or does that kill the romance?
We have seperate bank accounts and one for house expenses. I much rather have it that way though I know a lot of people ask my why we do this. It's my Independence and I have my own earnings and don't feel I need to justify what expenses I pay. I pay for all the children's things (school supplies, lunches, sports, shoes, clothing, etc) and have my own business to run. I've set my own budget and if I want to buy a pair of shoes or pack of gum, I do so.

When we go for dinner, we go Dutch, or I'll treat or he'll treat. We have open communication in our relationship and trust me when I say it was a lot of growing pains and finding balance but after seven years, we've pretty much got all the kinks work out. Honestly, it causes less fights too and in my opinion, no, doesn't make me any less committed to my relationship.

Well that's my thoughts on that for now. It's late and just thought I'd blog because I couldn't sleep. Would love to hear your thoughts!

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Day! Just Some Catch up for this week!

Good Day! Just Some Catch up for this week!

Hello and sorry I haven't been blogging regularly. How has your week been so far? It's been some great real estate times as of late and very busy (and fighting a horrible, horrible flu and had no voice)! So I will condense my blog from my recent daily events and what's in the news, etc.

Alright, following my "Twitter" comment. I still appreciate the comments I saw by Ashton Kutcher and as much as I've been trying, just don't really, really see the hype as being valuable to me and my business. I appreciate so much it gives me a "voice" but if you don't have a huge following, who's there to listen? LOL I'm just a local girl from Barrie with big ideas and inspirations but really, my ultimate goal is to help people accomplish their dreams with real estate whether residential or investment, raise great kids, have a happy home, loving family, partner, save the world, empower women, okay, okay. I'm getting carried away. Anyway, how I can accomplish that in 140 characters or less is beyond me. I'll keep at it but really much prefer the personal, direct, social interraction.

Read an article in "The Star" today. I'm not going to post the article here. You can go to the link. Okay so people like me, my office IS my car. So I'm ALWAYS on the phone. I understand people are distracted. I know how to multi-task and the ear piece things, well my ears are too small for any of them to fit. I like the speaker one I have on my visor but it doesn't eliminate sounds and not practical to use when I have clients in my car. I will comply with the law of course and hope it will keep our streets safer (until they realize that it's just poor drivers with bad habits & re-testing after so many years should be MANDATORY). Another comment I'd like to make from the article, I'm also very glad to know that Emergency Crews are exempted from the Law and may continue to text message as they're doing 100 KM in our City Streets while going through the red lights and intersections. That's very comforting to know (and does anyone think these things through when they're doing exemptions? I have friends that are police officers too & why anyone text messages while they're driving is beyond me) Anyway.....

Hmmm...interesting poll I read about too:

A poll released today by the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) indicates that two-thirds (65%) of Ontario's principal residence homeowners oppose the recently proposed McGuinty government mandatory home energy audit program and instead overwhelmingly favor voluntary audits (92%). For more info and source, click here.

Some interesting events:
World Malaria Day in Barrie Event info here (may direct you to facebook). Great cause scheduled for this Saturday, April 25th.

MP's Annual Pancake Breafast this Saturday, April 25th (morning) to encourage our TIFT (Talk Is Free Theatre) and Physician Recruitment. Info here (again may direct you to facebook)

Also, working on some great Community projects but can't comment specifics on it yet. I'm really excited continously exploring my volunteer time and giving back to my Community. I hope to change lives and inspire. There was a woman and her child that came in the other day and had just left the emergency shelter. Tough times for people and will take some time to find more balance.

Also, summer coming means more drinking so there may be more signs of abuse. Don't take it, get out.

TO EVERYONE: Keep strong, safe, healthy, happy and keep finding your inner peace for balance. Hope you have a wonderful day and if you're out there and taking your time to read my blogs, thank you!

***Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm Really Trying but Twitter? Why the Hype?

Seriously, I try to keep myself up-to-date on technolgy-related devices and programs in this day and age but "Twitter"?

I've had my account for awhile now and log on periodically. Most recently with Ashton Kutcher and his wife Demi Moore plugging and plugging it they're making it ok for Celebrity to "tweet" and the talk shows are talking about it and making it competition. Alright so they've used their celebrity for good and bringing awareness and getting donations for mosquito netting to prevent malaria (here's the link if you want to help). For that, they get my kudos but otherwise in my opinion as Weird Al Yankovic greatly said this morning "Hello my stalkers"....he's right!

I have myspace, facebook, this blog, my website, papers, etc and I'm readily available. It's actually kind of scary when you think about it to have all your personal info out there. At one when point does this stop? It's only one social program after another, after another and I'm quite surprised at the popularity of Twitter.

Here's Twitter's account of "Why Twitter":

Why? Because even basic updates are meaningful to family members, friends,
or colleagues—especially when they’re timely.
Eating soup? Research shows that moms want to know.
Running late to a meeting? Your co–workers might find that useful.
Partying? Your friends may want to join you.
Alrighty then. Well for those that need to know, I'm Shannon Murree and with RE/MAX Chay Realty. I'm a real estate representative and I help people fulfill their dreams with residential or income properties. I have a family, have great friends and live in Barrie. I think that's all people would want to know! I don't believe I do anything that requires an up-to-date, to the second account of my daily activity like "I'm eating soup and my mom wants to know". If my friends need me they text me.

Well, if you want to find me and follow me on Twitter (I'm "RealtorChicky"), as a courtesy I will follow you back but you'll probably get more detailed info by following my blogs or find me on facebook.

There's no way to figure out whom are imposters or real celebrities except for the obvious ones promoting themselves. Otherwise, if you're big on Twitter and "get it", great but otherwise I think I have more important things to do than spend every second there and think my clients, friends and family will be much more happier with me being available to them in person and be productive.

On another note, hmmm....stock options?

Much success always!
***Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No Matter What Age - Don't Give Up Your Dream

Truly, truly inspirational! It just goes to show how we're so quick to judge by outer appearance. It's not right and you may not admit you do but c' do! Well, it's an amazing performance. Anyone remember Paul Potts (from the same show). If you don't, you MUST google him. Gives me goosebumps! Click above on my title or the photo for the video of her singing and, here's the rest of the story from the Toronto Star:

A middle-aged volunteer church worker with the voice of an angel is Britain's
latest unlikely showbiz star.
Susan Boyle, 47, wowed judges and audience
alike when she performed on the television contest Britain's Got Talent.
By Tuesday, a video clip of Boyle's performance on Internet site YouTube has been
watched more than 2.7 million times.
The unemployed Scot, who said she'd "never been kissed," drew titters when she told the judges her ambition was to be a professional singer.
But her soaring rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream"
from the musical Les Miserables astonished the show's hard-to-please
They were captivated by the singer from Blackburn in western
Scotland. Usually acerbic judge Simon Cowell dubbed her singing
``extraordinary." Fellow judge Piers Morgan said her "stunning" performance was
"the biggest surprise I've had in three years of this show."
The show, the first in a new series of Britain's Got Talent, was watched by 11.4 million of Britain's 60 million people on Saturday night.
British bookmakers made Boyle the early favourite to win the series.
She is the latest in a proud tradition of underdogs who win the heart of the British public.
Britain's Got Talent made a star of its first winner, an unassuming mobile phone salesman named Paul Potts. He wowed audiences with his rendition of the aria "Nessun Dorma" and has become a global recording star since winning the series – and signing to Cowell's record label – in 2007.

Shannon Murree
****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Women & Health: Right Here at Home In Canada

Women & Health: Right Here at Home In Canada

Good day fabulous ladies (and men if you happen to read this, good day as well!)
This blog is going to be geared more to my fellow Canadian ladies but if you're a man reading this and perhaps want to pass on any information to your girlfriend, spouse/partner - please feel free!

Anyway, interesting information I found today. I had some questions about health stuff I was feeling/experiencing and turned to good ol' "google". It really does take a bit to filter out the stuff you really need. I consider myself fairly comfortable by nature with techonology so if you're not, I can totally see how it would be an indimidating process!

I digress....I came across a website by the Government of Canada outlining a mandate for them. The following is a direct quote from their website:

The Women's Health Strategy is an integrated framework for addressing major
women's health issues. It consolidates Health Canada's current and new
initiatives. The Strategy has seven main attributes: it is balanced, respectful
of diversity, egalitarian, evidence-based, coherent, multi-sectoral and
The goal of the Women's Health Strategy is to improve the
health of women in Canada by enhancing the responsiveness of the health system
to women and women's health.
To meet its goal, the Strategy is organized
around four main objectives which are intended to bring about changes to the way
Health Canada discharges its major responsibilities: its leadership, networking
and coordination roles; policy development; research, surveillance and data
collection activities; regulatory functions; direct service delivery; and its
work to promote health and prevent disease.
Source link here Health Canada Website here

Wow! Really? Fortunately, I have a great family Doctor but I know there are others whom are not so great with us. She (yes, thank goodness it's a woman because she knows and understands....I wish there were more women Doctor's). However, I had an Obgyn whom was just a jerk. I'm sorry but there's no other way to say this. He WAS nice when I first met him and he helped me with all three children. However as time went on I noticed how much he changed and any "customer service" went out the window as he became busier. He became actually dismissive when I noted my needs and health concerns. Now I am not a complainer. I know my body and try not to even take Tylenol or pain meds if I don't have to. Anyway, he totally disregarded my complaints and that it was "all in my head". How many times has this happened to you?

Well, I don't want to start my day on a negative. This is for informational purposes only. So, I'm glad to see the Government & Health Canada recognize women as requiring special needs and assessment for Health. Baring children and all the stresses we endure really does put a toll on our bodies. Also the fact that we always seem to put everyone else's needs first and then our own. It really is about balance and trying to find it. We're not good to anyone else if we don't take time for ourselves and there's no shame in that.

I'm going to post some links regarding women's health. If you have symptoms of something and have questions, before you see a Health professional, perhaps you can find something here. Or, perhaps you met with your DR and he/she didn't really have the time to explain something and you have more questions. I hope someone finds them useful. Please DO see a Health Professional though as this should not be a replacement of this. Again, just for informational purposes only.

And on a personal note from my experience....don't cause added stress to yourself worrying! Find out first from the Dr (and DON'T be afraid to get multiple opinions). I got information overload once and got several opinions before I did something. I found out it wasn't as bad as I thought (or told by one Dr). I had an operation and seem to be doing better! ;)

Have a great day!

Shannon Murree for...

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Passing of a Friend and Colleague - Celebration of Life

Passing Of A Friend and Colleague - Celebration of Life

Tim Musselman 1974-2009 passed away Saturday April 11, 2:00 p.m. Easter Weekend
at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie after a 6 month battle with
cholangiocarcinomas, a rare untreatable disease, giving no warning, until stage
four .

For more information or dedication, please click on his photo.

Tim, you were such a special person and I had the great opportunity of working with you and getting to know you.I will remember your humour and professionalism and how you put others before you.Many blessings to your family during this time and though it's hard and you'll be greatly missed, I'm so glad to know you're not in pain anymore.
Shannon Murree

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

However, how you celebrate or whatever you believe in, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day.

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

For Ladies Only Gifting Clubs...

For Ladies Only Gifting Clubs...

For Ladies Only Gifting Clubs

Modeled on the success of home party sales, a series of "ladies only" pyramid schemes, which are known by the names "Circle of Friends," "Women Helping Women", the "Gifting Club", "Heart to Heart", "Gifts for Charity", "Renewal Celebration", "Women Empowering Women," "Women's Empowerment Network", "Women for Women," and the "Dinner Party," are represented as a gathering of women helping one another by "gifting" money through a tiered structure.
Recruiting material for some of the groups talks about a goddess and sisterhood and offer an interstate conference-call system to keep members in touch.
The system appears to be active in several circles and professions ranging from realtors, hairdressers, professors at universities to employees of school boards, courthouses and numerous businesses.
A lot of professionals as well as middle-and upper-class people are involved, people one would assume to be smarter than that. Even several male and female police officers in Auburn, Maine, were suspended or forced to resign after spending $2,000 to join the local "Changing Lives" pyramid scheme.

So, please use caution. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions and if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably a scam.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

YES. I. CAN. (and will)

YES. I. CAN (and will)

These are also my words for today. Here's what I'm thinking:

I CAN do anything I put my mind to.
I will NOT accept anything less than mediocre and will not settle or compromise my beliefs or what I believe I can achieve.
I WILL be a positive influence and role model.
I WILL be successful (measured by my own definition...not as defined by others)
I WILL be financially independent
I WILL be organized
I WILL be able to manage my time to allow me to volunteer more to those areas that truly allow me to feel my sense of purpose and fulfillment
I WILL spend more time with my partner and family and not feel guilty about it, while not changing the quality of service I offer.
I WILL accept financial responsibility for the things that are happening and ensure things will not be repeated or unnecessary spending & stick to budget.
I WILL dedicate to have one or two vacations a year.
I WILL accept things as a challenge and not defeat. I shall persevere and be a better, strong person for it.

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Friday, April 10, 2009

Outrage At the Treatment of Women (*warning-disturbing Video)

Outrage At the Treatment of Women (*warning-disturbing Video)

I came across this video a few moments ago. It is extremely sad and disturbing to me. I am feeling both grateful and guilty. Really, why am I feeling guilty? Because I was blessed and fortunate enough to be in a Country that I am? I'm not bringing this pain to the women and do they really have any choices to leave?

Anyway, it leaves me to feel, what is my purpose here? It doesn't feel like enough for me to wake up every day do my scheduled daily things and then just come home feeling satisfied that I had a productive day at work, have great clients/friends/family, etc. Something or someone (whatever your beliefs are) is telling me there is more and a greater purpose. I need to leave this world with the satisfaction that I used my voice and words to make a difference.

It's no secret that I too, as Independant as I am, was in an abusive relationship once. Note the word ONCE and that was enough history that I need to have. With every fibre of my being, I will never let that happen again. I had never been in one before so why settle and accept being told what to do by a husband (my first one in my twenties....not the man I'm with now) as a young adult? Anyway, I digress.... What I remember from that experience because it was in another Country, I ran to the police station and they brought me right back home in the back of the pickup truck, for all the neighbours to see, knocked on the door and said to my husband "here's your wife, you need to deal with her and take care of your business". I remember feeling like I was someone's property. If you haven't been in a situation like that can you imagine the humility I felt? Wow. I'm fortunate I had my family here in Canada (most notably my grandmother) to get me out....alive.

Anyway, this blog is not about me. If you're reading this and in any abusive situation verbally, physical or otherwise, evaluate your self-worth and if children involved - don't pass on the pattern of behaviour. You ARE valued and loved. You ARE worth something and a human being. Don't try to argue back and get defensive because it's totally a control thing and the abuser will never get it. They will never change and they're not respecting you. There is a better life for you....there is a LIFE for you. Just GET OUT. Go to another City, Province, whatever! Start over, get a new life and don't believe he/she will ever change no matter how much they promise you.

My heart goes out to all of you. My heart goes out to 22 year-old Fatima, the woman in this video.
Here's an exerpt: 22-y old Fatima who has been abused and injured by her cruel husband in Herat. Her toes were cut off by her husband, she was burnt by hot water, he hair were pulled...

I will not post the photos here. You can google "Rawa Org" if you wish but I warn you, it's extremely disturbing.

So, I will end on this note that as my wonderful man is calling me for dinner that he's lovingly prepared for this Good Friday/Easter (and calling me now so I better run......) I will say a prayer and blessing for all and have my moment of gratitude. I did not mean to post as a matter to make anyone depressed (sorry) or for this to be a dark blog. I hope that it's just for you to realize that no matter what challenge you may be facing today, rise above it and look at it as a challenge to overcome and there are better days and most certainly things could be worse. That's what I will take from this.

More happy blogs later I promise! Have a wonderful Easter, however you celebrate if religious or not!

Some Thoughts for the Day

Some Thoughts for the Day....

'May today there be peace within.. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.'

Came Across this Video...inspirational for this Generation...or rather 

and this one inspired by another girl:

****Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm Back! Hello Fellow Empowering Women - What an eye opener!

Hello fellow empowering women. Did you miss my updates?

Well, what an eyeopener Cuba was. It was a much needed opportunity for r & r and I can honestly say I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I've been back a few days now and as much as stressful situations have come at me, I'm doing my best so my shoulders remain down and not at my ears. That of course, is when the headaches and frustrations start, right ladies?

Was so happy to see a female police officer in Cuba & times of change
I know you know what I mean. We wear so many hats don't we? I was reflecting on that while I was away and trying to figure out how I can keep this sense of peace with me upon return to this thing we call life. When did it become necessary for us to become overscheduled and crazy? How many times have you said to your friends you can't make something because career,activity or family had to be the priority. I know that I can say I feel a tremendous personal guilt to disappoint someone but it's just the way our lives have become. So, to my friends, I'm sorry that I just can't be everywhere at once and if I've disappointed you, it's not that I love or respect you any less. We should try one big summer thing and maybe that will solve that :)

Anyway, Cuba was wonderful. Thank goodness I spoke Spanish as I don't know how some people get by. My suggestion, if you go in with lower expectations, you won't be disappointed...especially with the customer service aspect of it. I'm glad we chose the hotel we did as it seemed to be one of the better ones and though rated 5 star, I'd give it a 3 1/2 to 4. Also grateful we did a google search to find out food is, on average, "bland" so we brought along a mixture of spices & condiments. (Don't worry about bringing back in the Country, we left them for the locals & gifted to staff).

We went to Varadero & Havana. Between Jay and I we brought a suitcase each of gifts and presents. It's such a different world there. They're so exclusive and because of the embargo, just really don't have anything. Their gratitude was amazing. We brought them skipping ropes, bubbles, soap, antibacterial soap, baby wipes, makeup remover wipes, tissues, deodorant, eyeshadows, lipsticks, gum, toilet paper. Sounds odd I know but they're things they either can't get there or really, really expensive. It was very rewarding to outside some of the children's classes and give them gifts. We'd also be walking down the street and give them to unsuspecting people playing at their homes or waiting for buses.

Question for you and it's going to be really, really personal....have you ever tried to go #2 while squatting because you don't sit on the toilet seat? Okay, so usually if there's no toilet seat cover you'd cover with toilet paper right? Okay well there, they don't supply toilet paper NOR were there any toilet seats in public places (only in the hotel). So what else would you suggest? Yeah, can we say awkward? Check out the hand dryer in the bathroom stall I included as a photo. It was hilarious but again, a luxury item. Boy do we take things for granted!

Canada, I may complain at times, but thank you. I love my Country and grateful for our luxuries.

I also must say that I was impressed (I included a photo) to see a female officer. I took a photo and glad she was able to accomodate me. She was the only one I saw and in a Communist Country was impressed to see it's progression of a woman in the field :)

More later. I must run to get ready for the Ballroom Blitz. Our dress give-away is going well. I met a very lovely girl whom stood out and overcoming many obstacles. I was so happy I was assigned to be her personal shopper and was in tears by the time she left. I fell in love with her and if she ever wanted me to be her big sister or mentor, she can call on me anytime for support.

Well, I'm happy to be back and hope you all have a very successful and blessed day. I will update more later!