Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Day! Just Some Catch up for this week!

Good Day! Just Some Catch up for this week!

Hello and sorry I haven't been blogging regularly. How has your week been so far? It's been some great real estate times as of late and very busy (and fighting a horrible, horrible flu and had no voice)! So I will condense my blog from my recent daily events and what's in the news, etc.

Alright, following my "Twitter" comment. I still appreciate the comments I saw by Ashton Kutcher and as much as I've been trying, just don't really, really see the hype as being valuable to me and my business. I appreciate so much it gives me a "voice" but if you don't have a huge following, who's there to listen? LOL I'm just a local girl from Barrie with big ideas and inspirations but really, my ultimate goal is to help people accomplish their dreams with real estate whether residential or investment, raise great kids, have a happy home, loving family, partner, save the world, empower women, okay, okay. I'm getting carried away. Anyway, how I can accomplish that in 140 characters or less is beyond me. I'll keep at it but really much prefer the personal, direct, social interraction.

Read an article in "The Star" today. I'm not going to post the article here. You can go to the link. Okay so people like me, my office IS my car. So I'm ALWAYS on the phone. I understand people are distracted. I know how to multi-task and the ear piece things, well my ears are too small for any of them to fit. I like the speaker one I have on my visor but it doesn't eliminate sounds and not practical to use when I have clients in my car. I will comply with the law of course and hope it will keep our streets safer (until they realize that it's just poor drivers with bad habits & re-testing after so many years should be MANDATORY). Another comment I'd like to make from the article, I'm also very glad to know that Emergency Crews are exempted from the Law and may continue to text message as they're doing 100 KM in our City Streets while going through the red lights and intersections. That's very comforting to know (and does anyone think these things through when they're doing exemptions? I have friends that are police officers too & why anyone text messages while they're driving is beyond me) Anyway.....

Hmmm...interesting poll I read about too:

A poll released today by the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) indicates that two-thirds (65%) of Ontario's principal residence homeowners oppose the recently proposed McGuinty government mandatory home energy audit program and instead overwhelmingly favor voluntary audits (92%). For more info and source, click here.

Some interesting events:
World Malaria Day in Barrie Event info here (may direct you to facebook). Great cause scheduled for this Saturday, April 25th.

MP's Annual Pancake Breafast this Saturday, April 25th (morning) to encourage our TIFT (Talk Is Free Theatre) and Physician Recruitment. Info here (again may direct you to facebook)

Also, working on some great Community projects but can't comment specifics on it yet. I'm really excited continously exploring my volunteer time and giving back to my Community. I hope to change lives and inspire. There was a woman and her child that came in the other day and had just left the emergency shelter. Tough times for people and will take some time to find more balance.

Also, summer coming means more drinking so there may be more signs of abuse. Don't take it, get out.

TO EVERYONE: Keep strong, safe, healthy, happy and keep finding your inner peace for balance. Hope you have a wonderful day and if you're out there and taking your time to read my blogs, thank you!

***Empowering Women, Inspiring Change****

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