Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Narrow-Minded Thinking and Power of the Internet

Narrow-Minded Thinking and Power of the Internet

Well I guess this "small-time" girl with big ambition and drive had a wake-up call this morning. It's funny how one can think about things that they THINK they're going to blog about and then in one instant whether an action, call or thought can change all this.

In keeping with my "empowerment" I originally wanted to write to you about my nutrition plan and what steps I took to get into being a healthier me and that it wasn't about the "d" word (diet) but a chosen lifestyle. I think I will save this thought for another day.

Why? Because something "bigger than life" happened to me and I had an epiphany. I was asking myself "why blog?" Do I even have an audience or am I just typing words into thin air and what would make anyone in the world want to read my blogs over hundreds upon thousands others. What do I bring to the table? I'm just one person in this City just North of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. So out of curiosity I checked stats which I had never done before. I was amazed. To the readers that hail from my home Country of Canada that have freedoms, I thank you. For those that are reading from Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, Alaska, US, Poland, India, Ukraine, Russia and Philippines, a HUGE thank you and I hope that across the miles, you are finding some enlightenment, hope, humour and support from reading this.

So in knowing this, I feel a sense of responsibility and honoured with the opportunity of offering support and showing that everyone has the right to be free; a right to be empowered and know that whatever situation you're in there's hope. That no matter what challenges you face every day that the same patterns do not have to be repeated and no one ever has the power to tell you how to think because you are the only one responsible for your thoughts. For anyone reading this that is facing abuse whether physical or verbal or living in a Country where women are not treated as "persons" or facing persecution for even "looking at a man" and accusations of being unfaithful, I pray for you.

For those people that offer hope and support for these women and it sometimes feels like a "thankless" job (or volunteer work), keep on making a difference. For those that put their lives in danger to help people, thanks for making a difference. This world must be made a better place and we all need to reach out to each other whether in word or other actions, we have to make a difference. No one, whether female or male, should ever feel they're worthless or inferior. We truly need to watch our words and keep negative thoughts out of our minds and hearts and speak words of encouragement, love and support. We must always "pay it forward" and even if it doesn't feel like what we're saying or doing isn't making a difference, we have to believe IT IS touching the lives of at least one person.

I am truly honoured and humbled and no longer shall I be "narrow-minded" and think I'm writing in a cocoon. I trust these words find you well. Continue to look for strength and you can make any changes. Put yourself first. In the words of MJ and friends: "We are the world, we are the children; We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving. There's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives, its true we'll make a better day....Just you and me"

Thanks for viewing! As always, have a great day and remember to "Empower yourself and inspire change in others"

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