Monday, May 19, 2008


Well hello world!

Yes, here I am submitting my personal “blog” and joining the ranks of many.

I’m a real estate professional but want to do so much more. I’m full of so many ideas and being a ‘wife’ (common-law that is, not of the institutional kind), mother, ‘maid’, ‘nurse’ (someone has to kiss those boo-boo’s) and full time professional, well, let’s say I wear many hats. As a woman, who doesn’t?

How many times have you gone to an auto mechanic and the simple “oil” change for $50.00 ends up being $1000.00 because some “do-hickey” or Philange (as Phoebe from friends would say when she’s making up a name) didn’t work? How the heck do we know? We have to trust someone because we rely on our vehicle to continue to be “superwoman” and it’s a matter of safety.

Also, what’s the last investment you’ve made? Outside of that gorgeous pair of shoes, what have you done to secure your future or your “now” lifestyle? Hmmm..yes. This is not a “bra burning” exercise but as women, we’ve come a long way! We’re more equal than the times of our great-grandmothers or grandmothers but there’s still room for improvement! Love her or hate her, doesn’t matter but look at the accomplishments of Hilary Clinton! Not about the person but just the fact that there’s a women running! Do you think anyone would have imagined that back in the 40′s? I’m just so proud that someone is setting the precedent where those before trying to set the way in any aspect of equality (likeRosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, etc).

Anyway, that’s the purpose of my blog. It’s intention is to be an empowering source to encourage and unite women and/or women-friendly organization’s or people. Let’s continue to network and get the ball rolling. It’s not just about women in business but the whole circle of those we surround ourselves in. Let me facilitate or be the mediator to find common ground. Financial advisors, mortgage brokers, lawyer, mechanics, contractors, hvac, etc that are ‘women’ friendly. Don’t talk “down” to us or “take us”. You’ll get our business and more as we’ll build a referral network.

That’s how I do my real estate business. Live and work by referrals. Word of mouth spreads quicker. Do a good job the first time! Empowering Women!

It’s not just buildings, it’s building relationships! So, here’s to the “official” day one of something I’ve been working on for a long time. I surround myself by strong, independent, positive people. Let’s see how this grows!